Tuesday, January 02, 2007

How it all started

It seems as if it was only yesterday when we launched Continuity Software, with the vision of focusing on creating better technologies to manage DR systems and ensure data protection. We founded Continuity after seeking an interesting data center opportunity to zoom on, and were attracted to the DR space (yes, we all have some sort of DR roots in our resumes... :) ) - our engineering minds started thinking of products and technologies to bring.

I think what really caught our attention was the fact that DR systems are still deployed, managed and tested in the same way as they used to a couple of decades ago... We were surprised that there was very little innovation in that area, and that the amount of data center improvements that took place in the last decades really missed the DR area as a whole. System Management, Monitoring, Verification & Testing Systems and Scanners (security, database, network) were all bringing significant improvements to the way we manage and run our business back-end and manage our data protection, but very little of it was really focusing on the DR side.

So we did the trivial thing. We went on a mission to talk with as many smart individuals as possible, especially the ones who are responsible for managing DR systems on the day-to-day (BTW, thanks guys for the feedback! - much appreciated). We learned what keeps them up at night, the business and technology needs, and the type of innovation they would want to see . We literally spend hundreds of hours listening and interviewing anybody that wanted to speak to us... :) The end result was a striking similarity in the type of solution they would want to develop and introduce.

More on step 2...

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